Correlation Between Classical Music And Mental Performance

 It is widely said that classical music has magical medicine which makes people smarter and emotionally different. It is true that classical music helps people in many ways as well as it increases mental situation. Here is a compilation of some studies below that highlight some major impacts of classical music.

1) Lower Blood Pressure

According to study of Journal Of Health Psychology, it is found that participants who listened classical music surprisingly had lower blood pressure levels than other who did not hear any music.
It is thought that classical music is effective way for relieving both body and mind. As it enclosed many experiments, that kind of melodies feel more relaxed compared to other kinds. Therefore, it is now believed that classical music may help people to recover from stress, decreasing blood pressure and heart diseases.

2) Emotionally Stimulated

My theory is, classical music is the purest version of all songs. Melodies that are amade compatible with nature. Therefore, it has the power which stimulates human sensations more than any other.
Even most apathetic people may be inspired and stimulated by classical music. People who listen classical are observed emotionally vulnerable and more willing to reveal personal information.
Moreover, classical music helps individuals to be more aware of their feelings and the way they express them.

3) Brain Power

In 2001, 10 participants were had an IQ test before and after they exposed some classical music. Interestingly, participants who listened Mozart for 10 minutes displayed at least 10 points better mental performance than the previous results. It is engrossing what exactly happens in brain that changes mental performance that much fast. Aftermath, some experts called this  "Mozart Effect"
Although "Mozart Effect" is controversial, it would damage nobody when you have Chopin during your dinner.

4) Better Sleep

In 2006, a study revealed that students who suffered from sleeping disorders slept better when they fell asleep to classical music than those who didn’t conk out to music. It is believed that regular rhythm, low pitches, and tranquil melodies, qualities are effective for a healthy sleep pattern.
Additionally it is thought that that kind of melodies before sleep relaxes muscles that prepares body to fall asleep.

5) More Productivity

It has been revealed many times that  people are more productive with magical effect of music.

It is believed, classical music helps brain to reach the level of maximum satisfaction which increases both emotional and mental performance. Therefore, it is seen that people are working better and happier if they have some magical harmony behind.


  1. Amazing artickle Irem. I think i agree with all .
    I admire your spirit.
    By the way, most people say i am crazy because at my home and my studio, you can only listen clasic musik...


    1. Hahahaha dear Spyros that is so true. Then we both are crazy because in my studio, only classical music is allowed too!!! Thank you for being here. ❤️😘 Many hugs from Ankara 😊❤️



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