‘CO2’ : It is more than what you thought about

 Carbon dioxide, one of the gases included by our atmosphere, has been released to the air more and more . Although Earth’s atmosphere has a cycle to arrange its includes, the amount of the carbon dioxide people release far more than what it can handle. Thus, that brings out some significant consequences for all creatures.

So let’s look at what CO2 does and how it has a great importance;

It controls Earth’s temperature
One of the most important impacts of carbon dioxide is that it causes Earth to be warmer than its normal. Most probably you have heard this sentence a lot of times so let me explain how it happens. 

Sun releases solar radiation with the sunshine. Surface of Earth absorbs the sunshine and heats up , which leads to the emission of infrared radiation. Carbon dioxide has an influence on this part. Under normal conditions, infrared radiation is sent back to the space but that is inhibited by carbon dioxide.  

CO2 is a chemical that absorbs infrared radiation and disables Earth from emitting it to space. Due to absorption of infrared radiation, Earth becomes a warmer place. Therefore; more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere means the more absorption infrared radiation and the warmer Earth...

Look at Venus

If you search about Venus on the internet, you can see such sentences like “It is hotter than hell!’ said by astronauts. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system even it has more distance with Sun relatively Mercury. That’s because of the atmosphere of Venus. It includes enormous amount of carbon dioxide, which causes a runaway greenhouse effect and makes its surface hotter even more than Mercury’s one. 

Accumulated in the atmosphere 

The amount of the carbon dioxide has reached 410 ppm in our atmosphere. This number is the highest level of last 800.000 years. As i wrote at the beginning, the carbon dioxide released to air is more than what earth can handle. It have been accumulated for many years and reached significant numbers. It can be the record of even more than 800.00 years! In a report published last year, the scientists of WMO have claimed that it has been the highest number in 3 million years. 

In my opinion, it does not matter whenever it was worse than today. The only thing we should do is to make certain plans in order to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide immediately. 

Morever, as an individual we have to do our best for our world, for all living creatures and for all will be living ones in the future !!


  1. hello from Greece . this is Spyros Georgas painter from Athens. i am happy to be in this blog, share with you some of my thoughts and read all your's coming from very ineresting persons. see you soon

    1. Hi Spyros! You know, your opinions have a great importance for us. It is so nice to feel your support. Thank you so much 💖

    2. Helloo my dear friend Spyros,!! Such a big pleasure for us to see you here. Infinite LoVe and kisses from Ankara to Athens :)) <3

  2. Hi! I think it’s an interesting blog and can’t wait to see more articles. Congrats Irem.

    1. Thanks a lot for your opinions, we are so happy for your interest but this one is written by me. 😂 İrem is going to write an article in these days as well. I am sure it will take your interest, too. See you soon 💖

    2. Thank you so much Seher Teyzecim, I'm so happy that you visit this blog and like it <3 :) You are welcome here anytime.

  3. Reading it through was a lot of fun. I especially liked the section about Venus. I sincerely hope that this blog will help you to get closer to your goals. Aim for the sky and I'm sure that one day, you'll be able to soar.

    1. Reading your comment is also a pleasure for me :) Thanks your good wishes and giving support (as always). Who knows, maybe you will have already been there when we soar! 😂

    2. Thank you for your nice comments and wishes Dear Mehmet :) We're both glad that you like it.

  4. Hi irem and elif! I appreciate you for not just bravery to write and create a blog like this but your topics. These topics create a scientific atmosphere while reading and after articles, I feel like a new person who know more than previous me :) Finally, I am waiting some articles regarding last researches on EEE :)

    1. Thanks for your sincere comment Ege 💖 I also feel like a new person when I read your good comments. 😊 We have just started to write in this blog ,you know, but we will write articles in a variety of topics. Maybe you can help us to find information about last researches of electrical electronical engineers and we can write about them 🤓

    2. Hi Ege!!!! We're both happy if you like. :)) <3 As Elif said, your comments and ideas are important for us. Many many hugs from Ankara. Hope to see you soon :)))))

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