How To Be A Environmentally Friendly Person With 4 Steps

In our contemporary world, there is no nation which didn't affected by the huge echo of industrialization. To confess, what industrial revolution brought is worth to talk about. However, after revising the yields, we should consider the destructive impacts which brought about adoption of waste and overconsumption.
The biggest stir was facilitation of production. Although quality of production facilitated the supply, it led people to consume more and faster. That was because, people could now reach the goods easier.  Since then, the concept of "Use and Chuck Out" has been spreaded worldwide. The consuetude of consumption become wider and faster. This attitude is more common than we think. More than a consuetude, it's a lifestyle. Something that we are not even aware. Therefore, I believe that people shouldn't be reckless, they should revise their consumption habbit and observe the common attitude. Each of us are responsible for environmental issues. We all have ethical duty that we mustn't ignore. I want to share some practical ideas that anybody can apply in order to carry out individual responsibility.

1) Reduce Individual Consumption

It's very easy to be seized with magic of products. As we like, we all desire to buy. However, In my opinion this motive is harmful. In contemporary world, it's impossible to catch every single product that we like. There's no certain limitation of consumption impulse. Therefore we have to find a way to stop this behavior and train ourselves to buy only what we need. As a result of this new adoption, we can reduce self consumption just like we can reduce the amount of money that we waste unnecessarily. Additionally, that will bring the relief of less responsibility of belongings.

2) Revising Shopping Habbits

Many people tend to buy the things without considering any features of products. Quality, potability and endurance is more significant than we think. Because if we buy something which is not that qualified we have no chance to use it for a long time. We buy again and again. That means WASTE and more consumption which we should avoid. So it's good to observe how we shop and choose products and change the habbits if necessary.

3) Learn How To Use Money Smart

One day, I had a odd question in my mind although it seems very typical one. What would I do If I just win the lottery? Answer wasn't as easy as question. The point wasn't lottery. It was a revision of how I spent my money. Since then, I like asking questions to people about their spending habbits.
I regard this as an social experiment and I try to have an general idea about how people use money. I don't prefer give statistics here but I can say that a huge percentage of people DO not use their money smart. Many people don't accumulate what they earn. They don't invest. That was an answer for my question. A realization of money is more valuable thing than everything that being sold us momentarily. So, if you win the lottery some day, do NOT spend just to spend. Money definitely
should be used smart!

4)  ReUSE

If we really intend to do something about this issue, we definetely have to REUSE the stuffs that we have. I see that people tend to buy new, when something is wrong with their belongings. Actually it is not the only problem. Nowadays even for fashion perception, people buy new because it's obsolete or just not new. I have many possesions that I've been using for many years. As long as they look fine, there is nothing wrong or odd to use them. Otherwise, that would be waste of money and space.
Additionally, in my opinion, it's impossible to follow changing trends. No way to replace every single thing which is NEW model. I REJECT this tendency. REUSE everything. Don't take them garbage instead give your stuff  that you dont't use anymore to other people..I get clothes, stuffs, books from my friends and from other people. There's nothing wrong with that. The point is reducing self consumption by reusing the things without consuming more.


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